Scotland Releases 500 Inmates to Alleviate Prison Overcrowding


The Scottish government has released over 500 inmates to alleviate overcrowding in prisons.

Prisons across the UK are facing a crisis, with governors in England and Wales warming they double run out of space within days.

on Wednesday, June 26, the SNP government in Edinburgh permitted the early release of more than 500 Scottish inmates serving short-term sentences in an effort to address the issues.

Prisoners with sentences under four years and with 180 days or less remaining will be released in waves over the coming weeks from all Scottish prisons.

Sex offenders and domestic abusers are exempt from this release, with governors having the authority to veto specific cases.

Victim Support Scotland, a charity, expressed concerns that this system could lead to reoffending.

Kate Wallace, the charity’s chief executive, stated that releasing inmates early could pose risk to public safety.

According to her: “The last time this happened, over 40% had re-offended within six months. That created more victims, and we are fully expecting that to be the case again.”

”Victims are concerned about the risks to their own personal safety, and we are aware already of some prison Al safety, and we are aware already of some prisoners who have been in contact with victims saying that they are going to be released, and it being used as a coercive control tool.”

The Scottish Prison Service emphasizes that safety remains a top priority.

A spokesman stated: “Governors have vetoed anyone they found posed an immediate risk to individuals or groups, with the help of intelligence from police and social work.”

The Prison Governor’s Association (PGA) asserts that the police will be unable to detain individuals due to insufficient space in prisons.

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